Strategic Plan
Impact Snapshot
In 2024, we recommit ourselves to the values that have guided our organization since 1899.

We envision a society that values the power and beauty of mathematics and fully realizes its potential to promote human flourishing.
The mission of the Mathematical Association of America is to advance the understanding of mathematics and its impact on our world.
Core Values in Action
Cultivate participation in mathematics through outreach and partnership.
Strengthen the community through collaborative activities for mathematics professionals, students, and enthusiasts at all levels.
Advocate for inclusivity and celebrate diversity by promoting mathematics for all.
Broaden access to mathematics through initiatives designed to engage diverse audiences.
Advance creative discoveries in mathematics and communicate those to the broader public.
Communicate the role of mathematics in a rapidly-changing society.
Teaching & Learning
Foster the open exchange of ideas about the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Develop and promote research-based instructional resources and practices.
Goals & Objectives (3-5 Years)
Priority A: Community
Our Goal
Create innovative strategies to build and sustain an inclusive and welcoming community.
Our Strategy
Create innovative strategies to build and sustain an inclusive and welcoming community.
Create an outreach plan that captures the essence of the existing sense of community while expanding it to engage expanded, diverse audiences and enhance belonging.

Priority B: Leadership & Talent Development
Our Goal
Evaluate existing programming and create innovative new programming and pathways to develop new leaders and encourage professional development among staff and members.
Our Strategy
Members: Develop a member-driven leadership pipeline to move volunteers toward board membership.
Staff: Understand the landscape, challenges, and strengths of the MAA’s community of members.

Priority C: Membership
Our Goal
Grow an engaged membership strategically and in a way that honors the values of the Association.
Our Strategy
Identity target membership populations and what membership means to each.

Priority D: Resource Allocation & Revenue Streams
Our Goal
Develop a sustainable portfolio of programs that align with our stated values.
Our Strategy
Regularly measure and evaluate the organization’s resources and programs in light of available resources.
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